I custom built this gun specifically for the bag. Watch the video on the 5.11 tactical sling bag to appreciate how cool this is. Build included: Spikes Tactical Snowflake stripped lower w/ CMMG parts, 3.5lb match grade trigger (so crispy), Sylvan Arms folding stock adapter, SBA3 pistol brace, PSA 10.5" Upper, BCM Gunfighter charging handle, Sig Romeo 5 Optic. She is an absolute beast and a great shooting gun. Comes with the 5.11 Tactical Sling bag with a soft body armor to protect your torso from pistol calibers and one Lancer 20rd mag. I find the 20rd makes deployment much easier. Bag has molle loops inside with two extra mag pouches. Very nondescript bag for the ultimate Grey Man carry setup. Definitely one of a kind. Firm on price, cash only FTF