Listing is for a used, but good condition MEC 9000G mated to a MEC AutoMate. This is a progressive Reloader for 20GA Shotshells that once you get the routine/rhythm setup properly can churn out 20GA target loads quite quickly. I have owned the press for about 20yrs, the Automate for probably 12-15yrs and have used this for skeet loads. I'm out of shooting 20GA, so just finding a new home for this.
Press has been well maintained over the years. It was upgraded with the high-capacity primer feeder (200 primers). Parts were replaced as needed. Press comes with 2, 7/8oz Bars and 1, 3/4oz Bar. Bushings from 16 through 26 inclusive included. Both 6pt and 8pt pre-crimp are included. New Shot and Powder Bottles as you can see in the picture.
MSRP on these items when sold as a set (9000E) is about $1700. Price is a steal all things considered. No Reloading Supplies (wads, primers, shot, hulls, etc...) included.
Cash Only, FTF at Bass Pro St. Augustine or Academy Southside.