Sig 365 xl Wilson combat grip Wilson combat mag catch Holosun eps mrs red (multi reticle system with solar enclosed) Streamlight Tlr 7 sub.
From MCARBO: Titanium striker Titanium striker cup Knurled ti back plate Titanium flat trigger Trigger spring kit (3.5 pounds barely any reset)
Magazines 1-12 rounder 2 - 12 rounders with mag guts making them 14 rounds 1-15 with mag guts so 17 rounds
I have original grip module and magazine springs. I do not have the plate for irons as I got this years ago with a 407k pre installed. Over 1.9k into this concealed carry. I can include the custom GT Holster as well pictured above. This is a ready to go carry. Feel free to google the parts I have added to see how much. The optic and firearm alone are 1k brand new which is my asking price. NO TRADES. Will entertain obo.