Was working a trade over the last week but fell through. Absolutely zero rounds on this gun. Every piece was specifically chosen and was going to be a supressed SBR but I didn’t get around to the paperwork or wrapping it up. SLR B56 Lower Geiselle Trigger $ Radian Talon Safety Selector Radian Bolt Catch FCD A5 Tube FCD Castle Nut BCM QD End Plate Irregular defense vertical grip Springco Green A5H2 VLTOR
B56 Upper Reciever SLR ZRO 10.7 Handguard Criterion Core 11.5 Barrel Mircrobest Chrome BCG Surefire Warcomp Dirty Bird SS gas tube Odin Works LowPro Gas Block Irregular Defense forward grip Arisaka 18650 light w/scout mount and momentary cap. Matech rear BUIS Scalaworks Front Peak Sight
Text me at (4o7) 716-9583 can provide additional details and pictures. $2200 firm