-18” upper -scope: Primary Arms 1-8x ACSS. -scope mount: 1.5” mount, with offset rmr plate and supporting screws/hardware (multiple. -muzzle: A2 birdcage flash hider, with precision armament timing shim -barrel: BA 18” match nitride chrome lined, 5.56x45 NATO 1/7 twist. -handguard: 15” handguard rail, modified for gas block. -covers: 10x M-lok rail covers, along with top rail cover, making 11x, all brand new. -gas block: POF adjustable rifle length -BCG: Sharps Rifle Company complete BCG with DLC coating. -upper: Anchor Harvey upper, forged and lapped for barrel to increase accuracy. -upper parts: CMMG milspec GI dust cover and forward assist. -lower: Aero M4 forged -lower parts: CMMG milspec GI lower parts, ready for your replacement of liked trigger. Current GI milspec trigger. -lower add on: Flared magwell adaptor, and custom vertical grip. -buffer tube: Rifle length buffer tube, spring, and buffer. -buttstock;: Hogue fixed overmold rifle length stock. -bi-pod: M-lok five position