Completely custom Glock 17. Under 1000 rounds, just breaking in.
Glock 17 Gen 5 OEM Frame Battlecock Tactical Stipple Work SLR Rifle Works Magwell Haley Strategic Skimmer Trigger Killer Innovation Gen 5 Trigger Shoe Hyve Pins and Magazine Release Kagwerks Raised and Extended Release SureFire x300T-A
Slide/Upper Norsso Reptile PMM Micro Comp and Barrel L2d Internals Kit Trijicon Supressor Night Sights Glock 17 OEM guide rod Oem Mag with SLR Extension and spring
Text 4O7-716-9583 $2500 firm $2200 without RMR. Don’t hit me with stupidity until you know/or search the parts and work done.