Trade interests include but not limited to : Lever action rifles 45LC, 45-70gov or specifically s&w 1854 lever action(possibly 357mag also if threaded ), bolt action rifle in 357mag like the Ruger m77/357, S&w (pre lock, performance center, 3rd gen, equalizer, kimber k6xs, kds9c, Wilson combat or LTT guns beretta 80x Bul armory 1911/2011 9mm AKs 7.62x39(galil, zastava), Dan Wesson valor vbob (prefer 9mm but 45 also), HK pistols (cc9, USP full size) Hk mp5/ap5 Metal frame CZ pistols Rossi circuit judge in 44mag
definitely NO interest in semi auto or pump shotguns, no Glocks, no taurus, or 45(except the vbob)
Will not respond to messages asking if it’s available, will not respond to messages that only offer things from my no interest list.
Do not message me just asking for my number to text offer pictures, i work nights so primarily deal with email or FGT messaging system until a deal is finalized and meet up set (this is to avoid additional notifications going off when I’m sleeping during the day)