looking to mostly trade but will sell for a fair offer
Sig p210 American Target 9mm with 3 mags Sig p365xl with spiral fluted threaded barrel and optic no fcu Grand Power q100 9mm Chiappa Rhino 60ds 9mm Glock 17L slides x2 Keltec pmr30 fde HK45T Green Fn 509 LS Edge walther ppq q4 steel frame walther ppq q5 steel frame tisas raider 45acp 1911 tisas night stalker 9mm 1911
looking for factory threaded barrel and factory compensated full size models
sig p320 axg legion compensated sig p365 axg legion compensated sig p226 x5 legion compensated sig p320 sxg heavy Springfield echelon comp tisas night stalker 1911or 2011 threaded barrel tisas 57 optic ready dpm recoil system for multiple models cz sp01 urban grey threaded cz p01 urban grey threaded cz p01 omega beretta 92x vertec grip factory threaded