Competition Shooting Rig (Medium Waist 32”-36”), Shooters Belt, Holster, Magazine Holder
Black Scorpion Outdoor Gear IPSC/USPSA Pro Champion Adjustable Velcro Shooting Belt; three Black Scorpion Outdoor Gear IPSC/USPSA Storm Ambidextrous Pistol Magazine Pouches, Race, Adjustable; Safariland Model 578 GLS Pro-fit Holster with Paddle, Right-Hand Draw (SKU 1180931) (Part number 578-283-411); Safariland United States Practical Shooting Association Kit (USPSA-Kit-2) used to mount holster to the belt.
The holster works with a wide range of handguns. I used H&K VP9, H&K VP40, and STI Marauder. Check Safariland website for compatibility.