$700 PSA Ar10 6.5 Creedmoor BSA upper with a fluted heavy barrel, Magpul fixed stock BSA 3x9, 1 20rd mag.
$1,000 Mini 14 Hogue stock, braided leather sling not pictured, and the scope (ill have to double check which ones on it) 1 5rd, 2 20rd, 1 30rd mags
$600 Norinco SKS in a Archangle Stock, 2 30rd mag, 1 20rd mag, bayonet extra virgin wood stock that needs hardware and fitting
$275 Ruger 1022 1 10rd mag
$1,000 Sig Sauer 220 Ernest Langdon edition, Tritium night sights, three 8rd mags.
$800 SP01 Tritium night sights, 2 18rd mags, and the original case. Mainly looking to trade this one for a P01
$250 Sig 365 Xmacro stripped Slide with the bridge between the comps cut out, barrel, stippled Icurous precision frame, magwell, and 1 17rd mag
$800 Hellcat RDP with a Threaded barrel, compensator, Holosun 507c, 1 10rd, 1 12rd, 1 15, 15+4rd, Black Arch Protus iwb holster.
$600 Russian Mak in .380, comes with two mags, three sets of grips Hogue, Russian, and Chinese, iwb alien gear holster, and a few HP to get you started.
$550 H&K VP9 with 5 mags
$1,700 POF Phoenix with a SB triangle folding brace, 3 35rd mags, Magpul handstop, Magpul flip up sights, the 509 isn't included at that price. Has a pretty nice muzzle break from the factory, fully ambidextrous safety, mag release, bolt release, and charging handle.
I'm primarily looking to sell but I'm also open to trades. Mainly into Aks,Fals, Galils, parts kits, Dillion 650/750. But im open to reasonable offers.