Selling my his and hers pair of Colt Detective Specials:
1. 1973 Nickel Plated Snub Nose 6-shot 2" .38 Special. Factory wooden walnut grips. Pristine condition.
2. 1975 Colt Blued Snub Nose 6-shot 2" .38 Special. Factory Pachmayr / Colt grips, gold medallions. Another beauty.
Colt blue case included with the purchase of both guns. Too nice for me to use at the range.
May be willing to work out a trade with a Browning Over / Under for Sporting Clays, 28", 30", 32".
Also looking for a Wilson Combat 1911, prefer single stack 4", but who knows. Surprise me.
I can be available most days. Florida ID please. Phone calls are always better. 508.477.4139 Al.