Selling my beloved P226 Navy. If you want a seal gun, this is the one to have. This is a MK24 with a German frame, extremely well built, and ridiculously accurate. Comes with new trijicons. Comes with the original sigarms blue case and two sig magazines.
I am not convinced I want to sell this gun, as it is a nice collector piece, and stupid accurate.
I won't take less than $1k. Feel free to offer more if you like, but don't waste both our time with a lower offer.
I am not looking for any trades at this time. This have become difficult to find. I don't need to sell, and I will be happy to let it seat in my safe and take it out to the range once in a blue moon.
FTF transaction in Space Coast area. I do travel to Miami and Tampa on occasion.
cash, zelle, pp.
***No shipping***
If you can't meet in person to make the deal. Don't bother.
No checks, or any other scam BS.
Text/email/call. 321four884840.